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VIDEO : Who Should -- And Should Not -- Be Paying Down Their Mortgage

Posted: 31 Jul 2009 08:00 AM PDT

Financial advice is rarely one-size-fits-all, but this interview with Suze Orman is worth a watch.

In 5 minutes with NBC's The Today Show, Ms. Orman covers a ton of relevant ground for homeowners and the public-at-large:

  • Who should -- and shouldn't -- be paying down their mortgage
  • What backlash to expect from the Dow's 40% run-up since March
  • Why July 2009 is so different of an environment from July 2008

Then, as a bonus, Orman explains the relationship between bond prices to bond yields. It's the heart of why mortgage rates rise when inflation is present.

A lot of what Orman talks about is spot-on, but that doesn't necessarily make it appropriate for your individual situation. Before acting on Orman's opinions, talk to your financial professional first.

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